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Ethereal wanderings through Hungarian graphic landscapes

Ukmukfukk is Hungary’s largest zine festival and a vibrant creative community based in Budapest. Since 2016, it has been promoting zine culture, celebrating the freedom of experimentation and the DIY ethos, and connecting creators of art zines, comics, graphic prints, and other independent offshoots of contemporary fine arts.

The colorful creative community is driven by curiosity and a desire to explore unconventional artistic approaches. They disregard arbitrary rules and boundaries, instead leaping over them with ease to discover new, unimagined territories of content and form. Their artistic practices span comics, graphic prints, illustration, animation, graphic design, and more. As a result, the informal group’s creative expression is constantly evolving, playfully escaping pre-existing molds and patterns.

Years ago, Ukmukfukk presented a small exhibition of current Hungarian zine production at DobraVaga, but this time, the central gallery space will feature an eclectic range of graphic works by artists who actively shape both the festival and the contemporary Hungarian art scene. Alongside the exhibition, a performative drawing workshop will take place, and at the Saturday fair, the Ukmukfukk team will showcase not only the latest zines and other graphic works but also a selection of short Hungarian animated films.