storytelling performance and comics workshop for children (6+)
Folk Tales in Comics are children’s comic books based on Slovenian folk tales. At the musical storytelling, we’ll hear a selection of folk tales on stage, with brand new comics clothes provided by Anka Kočevar, Jure Engelsberger and Marjan Manček. Storyteller Katja Preša and musician Andrej Fon will bring the tales to life. Afterwards, children will try to adapt stories into comics as well. The workshop will be led by illustrator Anka Kočevar.
Folk Tales in Comics (Ta ljudske v stripu, 2023) were published by Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana.
The workshop is intended for children over 6 years of age. The number of places is limited. Prior registration is required.

Organisation: Divja Misel Institute/Vodnik Homestead, Stripburger/ Forum Ljubljana and Remix Comix.
Free admission.