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German comics artist Mikael Ross will take us behind the scenes of his high-profile comic book Der Umfall (Šola padanja, Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana, 2023), which was created on the 150th anniversary of the German village of Neuerkerode, which functions as an inclusive community in which people with various intellectual disabilities live, work and create. In order to be able to present Neuerkerode as authentically as possible, Ross visited this village for two years, and then successfully condensed his experiences and the stories of the real people who live there into a multi-faceted comics fiction.

The masterclass will be held in English and is part of the international conference Remix Comix: Comics and Community.

Organisation: Kino Šiška, Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana and Remix Comix.
Masterclass sponsor: Outfit7.
Free admission.