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a conversation with the author and an exhibition (until 26. 10.)

Winshluss, the infamous French comics artist, will be featured in an exhibition of comic book originals at the Equrna Gallery, covering the most important milestones of his oeuvre, such as Monsieur Feraille, Smart Monkey, Pinnochio, In God We Trust and Dans la forêt sombre et mystérieuse.

Winshluss is an exceptional stylist and a master of techniques – from pastels, tempera, and watercolours to dry coloured pencils and classic drawing ink. Especially in Pinocchio, he combines all these techniques, while elsewhere he swears only by pen drawing, which is then sometimes coloured by a colourist. Another of Winshluss’s particularities is that as an animator, he has a great sense of rhythm and movement, so that some of his sequences really read like a kind of storyboard for an animated film. Visually, he favours a grotesque caricature firmly rooted in the underground, which sometimes tends towards Robert Crumb, but remains completely his own.

Comics artist Izar Lunaček will hold a conversation with Winshluss at the opening of the exhibition.

As every year, the exhibition will also feature tributes to the master by Slovenian comics artists. Janez Grm, Ivan Mitrevski, Matej de Cecco, David Krančan, Lea Vučko, Karolina Umetnina and others have together drawn a comic in which they rise from the Sea of Tinta (Ink) on the 10th anniversary of the festival, then evolve into smart monkeys, summon their first god, the robotic monkey Winshluss, from the clouds, and harness him to their drawing machinery.

Organisation: Stripolis Institute and Equrna Gallery.
Supported by the French Institute in Slovenia.
Free admission.